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1 Practice of medicine

2 Medical Organizations

2.1 Regional

2.1.1 South America

2.1.2 North America

2.1.3 Europe

2.1.4 Australia and Oceania

2.1.5 Asia

2.1.6 Africa

2.2 International

2.2.1 WHO

3 Medical Information

4 Medical education

4.1 Wikiversity - The School of Medicine

4.2 Medical schools

5 History of medicine

6 Development Lines

6.1 Telemedicine

Telemedicine generally refers to the use of communications and information
technologies for the delivery of clinical care.

6.2 Stem cell treatments

Medical researchers believe that stem cell treatments have the potential to
change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. A number of stem cell
treatments already exist, although most are still experimental and/or costly, with
the notable exception of bone marrow transplantation. In the future, medical
researchers anticipate being able to use technologies derived from adult and
embryonic stem cell research to treat cancer, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, spinal
cord injuries, and muscle damage, amongst a number of other diseases and

6.2.1 Stem cell

Stem cells are primal cells found in all multi-cellular organisms. They retain
the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and can
differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell types.

6.3 Personalized medicine

Personalized medicine is the use of detailed information about a patient's genotype or
level of gene expression and a patient's clinical data in order to select a medication,
therapy or preventative measure that is particularly suited to that patient at the time of

6.4 Nanomedicine

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. It covers areas such as
nanoparticle drug delivery and possible future applications of molecular
nanotechnology (MNT) and nanovaccinology.

6.5 Molecular medicine

Molecular Medicine strives to understand the molecules key to normal body
functioning and the pathogenesis of disease, and based on that knowledge, to
design specific molecular tools for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

6.5.1 Gene therapy

Gene therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual's cells and tissues to
treat a disease, and hereditary diseases in which a defective mutant allele is
replaced with a functional one.

7 Branches of medicine

7.1 Interdisciplinary fields

7.1.1 Biomedicine (theoretical medicine)

Biomedicine, also known as theoretical medicine, is a term that comprises the
knowledge and research which is more or less in common to the fields of medicine,
veterinary medicine, odontology and fundamental biosciences such as biochemistry,
cell biology, genetics, zoology, botanics and microbiology.

7.1.2 Biomedical research (experimental medicine)

Biomedical research (or experimental medicine), in general simply known as
medical research, is the basic research or applied research conducted to aid the
body of knowledge in the field of medicine. Preclinical research

Pre-clinical development is a stage in the development of a new drug that
begins before clinical trials (testing in humans) can begin, and during which
important safety and pharmacology data is collected. Clinical trial

A clinical trial is a comparison test of a medication or other medical treatment
(such as a medical device), versus a placebo (inactive look-a-like), other
medications/devices, or the standard medical treatment for a patient's

7.2 Diagnostic specialties

7.3 Clinical disciplines

7.4 Basic sciences